We all know that Covid-19 is a respiratory illness and you catch it by inhaling infected droplets, but can the virus that causes it (SARS-CoV-2) be found in wastewater and if so is that a good or a bad thing?
Sustainable Water after a Brexit – what would it mean for the UK
Cath asks what effect would a Brexit vote have on sustainable water legislation in the UK, and concludes that we should stay in.
Gudge theory – the new tool to get adolescents to shower shorter?
Cath explains ech2o’s concept of ‘gudge thoery’ and finds out what will incentivise adolescents to get out of the shower quicker
Time for passive house designers to address hot water demand
The PassivHaus standard has been instrumental in driving forward massive reductions in the energy required to heat a building. But it doesn’t address hot water demand. Cath thinks it should… Cath writes for passivehouse+ magazine
Leaky Loos – a cool alliterative title for a serious problem
Since internal overflows were allowed under the revised Water Regulations of 1999, a failing ball valve is no longer identified by a dripping (or running) overflow but merely runs to waste down the back of the WC cistern. A good thing surely? Well actually No, as Cath explains.
Water softening – how best to do it?
This quarter’s column looks at where and why hard water forms in the UK, what on-site solutions are available and asks whether we should follow the Dutch example of centrally softening mains water.
Total Washroom Control – An answer to water wastage in schools
Cath considers how total washroom control has the potential to save large amounts of water in the education sector.
Legionella – the risks and the solutions
Cath discusses the risks from Legionalla and ways of ensuring that it is less of a problem.
Washing Hands in Cold Water
Despite what it says in the Building Regulations, Cath argues the case for hand washing facilities in all public toilets to be cold water only to save on carbon emissions, without any detriment to health.
Floods and SuDS
Cath discusses WSUD and SuDS in light of the recent floods