Is your shower killing the polar bears?

Is your shower killing the polar bears?

A worksheet to explain the links between showers, CO2 emissions and the loss of summer sea ice in the Arctic




Is your shower killing the polar bears?
Shower shorter, shower smarter

Shower shorter, shower smarter

Take a look at some of the designs pupils created to encourage people to shower shorter.


Shower shorter, shower smarter
Adolescents and showering in their own words

Adolescents and showering in their own words

During 2015 and 2016 we collected data from 376 adolescents during the workshop ‘Is your shower killing the polar bears?’ devised and delivered by ech2o as part of Thames Water’s Water Efficiency in Schools Programme. We asked them whether they could (or would)  meet the four minute shower challenge and what (if anyhting) would induce them to get out of the shower quicker.

And this is what they told us!

Adolescents and showering – in their own words 2016

Adolescents and showering in their own words
Take the poo to the loo

Take the poo to the loo

Open defecation is a real problem in loads of countries around the world. We need a giant disco loo to keep those pesky turds off the street and help improve health.  Or, a loo for every household, with or without flashing lights! Check out this great video

Take the poo to the loo
Liquid assets: how the business of bottled water went mad

Liquid assets: how the business of bottled water went mad

Great in-depth article from the Guardian about the bottled water industry.

Spoiler alert: its all about how you brand it…

We say: ‘Tap water needs some high flying ad agency to get onto the case!’

Liquid assets: how the business of bottled water went mad

Matt Damon breaks up with his toilet!

2.4 billion people (one third of the world’s population) do not have access to a decent loo. They either have to share a toilet with many other people or  have no access to a toilet at all and have to poo outside (a practice known as open defecation). Matt Damon is one of a handful of movie stars who is bringing this appalling statistic to wider attention. One way is this really funny video.

Matt Damon breaks up with his toilet!
The story of bottled water

The story of bottled water

Great video about why its nuts to drink bottled water if you live in the US or the UK:

Click here to view the video.

The story of bottled water
WaterAid videos

WaterAid videos

WaterAid is a charity that works to provide safe water and sanitation for everyone in the world. They produce loads of short vidoes about global water issues: Watch

WaterAid videos
Rip the Drip

Rip the Drip

In the habit of wasting water? You just might change your mind if Rip the Drip popped up every time you did so! Check him out in all his weirdness here: Watch

These are the videos we watch time and time again in the ech2o office!



Rip the Drip
The water family

The water family

Play this to see how water smart you can get your game family to be: Play

Best for ages 9-13. Sam (aged 13) has played this for the last hour and counting!

She says: ‘I like this game because it tests you on different things you may not know.’


The water family
When in Rome poo as the Romans poo - a history of the toilet

When in Rome poo as the Romans poo – a history of the toilet

The History of the Toilet - An Infographic

When in Rome poo as the Romans poo – a history of the toilet





Links and downloads for secondary school pupils