‘Be Water Aware!’ for Housing Association tenants
ech2o were funded by SusCon to carry out a series of workshops in the SEEDA region with Housing Association or Local Authority tenants. These fun and interactive workshops provided tenants with practical and behaviour change solutions to reduce their water consumption, resulting in lower water and energy bills and reduced CO2 emissions ...

Cut Your Carbon
What if every choice you made had a carbon consequence and you had to manage a carbon allowance card as well as a credit card? What if buying sweets or downloading music cost CO2 as well as money from your pocket? If a family member won £1500 on the lottery would you rather they bought a condensing boiler or a giant plasma screen TV? Would you prefer that your school or workplace upgraded the heating controls or installed a wind turbine? If you have family members abroad would it be better if they came to visit you? And how would ...

Thames Water’s Water Efficiency in School’s Programme (WESP)
Thames Water Water Efficiency in School’s Programme ran over five years in schools across London. It comprised: Free fun and informative water workshops for school pupils (Key Stages 1 – 4) Free water audit for schools Free benchmarking report for the school to determine whether the school is currently water efficient or not Free water efficiency upgrades up to £500 in value to save the school water and money Working in partnership with Thames Water, ech2o successfully delivered “Be Water Aware” assemblies and workshops to over 26,080 pupils and 1,286 teachers in 101 schools over the five years. We worked ...

BPEC Rainwater Harvesting and Greywater Recycling Training
Cath Hassell of ech2o is working with BPEC Training Ltd, (a registered charity which supports quality education and training initiatives in the plumbing industry) to train plumbers to install and maintain rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling systems. BPEC recognised the need for a UK workforce with the skills and knowledge to successfully install, commission and maintain these systems and approached us to design and teach this course. ech2o has 10 years experience in designing, commissioning and fault finding rainwater harvesting systems and was one of the founder members of the UK Rainwater Harvesting Association. ech2o‘s work in implementing sustainable water ...

Cranberry Water Project
In August 2008, ech2o in conjunction with East Thames Housing Association, carried out a training and monitoring project, combined with proactive water efficiency measures, with residents on the Cranberry estate in East London as part of Go Carbon Neutral Cranberry. The training was in two stages; initially fifteen residents aged 16-65 attended a workshop to understand how much water they use, compare it to the UK average and to learn simple technological and behavioural steps to reduce their water footprint. The workshop is designed to create strong links between participants and to adopt a ‘no blame’ approach thus encouraging more ...