ech2o were funded by SusCon to carry out a series of workshops in the SEEDA region with Housing Association or Local Authority tenants. These fun and interactive workshops provided tenants with practical and behaviour change solutions to reduce their water consumption, resulting in lower water and energy bills and reduced CO2emissions.
As part of a water efficiency strategy in the South East of England, many water suppliers are installing meters into domestic properties in their areas. For many people (especially those in flats and small houses) this will mean an increase in their water costs. This workshop is designed to demystify water bills, to show why retrofitting of water meters is being encouraged and to provide practical ways in which tenants can reduce their water use.
During the workshop participants:
- calculated their own water consumption and compared it to the national average
- carried out a water audit which can be replicated in their own home
- discovered which appliances in their homes use most water
- made the links between water, energy and CO2 emissions
- understood which behaviour change will save the most water
- learnt how to fit technological solutions that will reduce their water use
- took home a save-a-flush bag, shower timer and shower flow restrictor
Delivered in ten venues in the south east to suit the partner Housing Associations. The workshop was free for tenants.
Funded by