“So, now we have sorted out precisely why sunflowers have their name maybe we could solve the mysterious case of the frog in the toilet cistern?” asked Clarence tentatively, the next day, waving the uncompleted list of mysteries around.
ech2o newsletter – summer 2021

Headlines included in this newsletter are: Cloud avalanches Shade balls Microplastic pollution from untreated sewage The Mpemba effect and more… Click here to read
The mysterious case of the frog in the toilet cistern – Part 2
Frankie stopped writing. All in alI, the sun didn’t sound the best place for flowers to grow. “I shall have to investigate!” she announced and skipped off. “But the mysterious case of the frog in the toilet cistern!” wailed Clarence.
The mysterious case of the elephant that forgot – Video

Watch the video of ‘The mysterious case of the elephant that forgot’.
The mysterious case of the sinking flamingo video
Cath Hassell

Cath Hassell, director of ech2o consultants ltd, is an expert in sustainable water strategies and low-carbon technologies, formed from a background of 17 years in the plumbing industry and 18 years in environmental building. Cath is a founder member of SWIG
The mysterious case of the sinking flamingo (KS1)

It’s raining in the zoo and Frankie the flamingo thinks she is sinking! So she sets off on a mission to find out why. Using the story of an inquisitive flamingo, a determined dragonfly and a crab who doesn’t
Make your school water smart (KS1,2)

ech2o will work with the school eco team or green team to: carry out a water audit of the school to find out where the school is ‘water smart’ and where it is ‘water silly’, identify where and how the
Be a Water Detective! (KS2)
ech2o will work with a set of pupils to enable them to: collect data about their use of water at home work out where they are water smart and where they are water silly identify whether they have a dual
How much does it cost to flush your toilet? (KS2)

This is a fun and informative short workshop using ech2o’s see-through toilet cistern to: give a brief history of the WC, explain why the toilet has its very own day in the calendar – 19th of November, World Toilet Day,