Back in August in a bits and pieces kind of blog I wrote the following.


Then I found this bar chart from Reddit. I’m intrigued by the differential between men who shower seven times a week (40.5%) v women (19.3%). More than seven times a week I could potentially understand as you could argue men are more likely to be gym members. And if it was a similar difference at six times a week then it’s perhaps because women are having a relaxing bath on the seventh day.  But I cannot fathom the seven times a week discrepancy. Just how it should be. Some research that raises more questions than it answers!


And that was that. Or so I thought. The main point being that the research raised far more questions than it answered.


Fast forward to last week and I sent the link to the famalam cos of the reference to Mu and Georgie Best at the beginning.

And, Jeez Mageez, all hell broke loose! So much so I have been forced to redact certain sentences in the original blog due to complaints from my family, who feel that I have abandoned my feminist principles ! But I still think I was justified to have made those points. Why well… read on…


Then I found this bar chart from Reddit. I’m intrigued by the differential between men who shower seven times a week (40.5%) v women (19.3%). More than seven times a week I could potentially understand as you could argue men are more likely to be gym members. And if it was a similar difference at six times a week then it’s perhaps because women are having a relaxing bath on the seventh day.


Jenny sis wrote: Love a good graph? You bet! Lol . Though followed by: Has an alien invaded our sis’s brain space?

Christopper bro wrote: Excuse me? Are you making generalisations based on gender here?

I replied: Making generalisations based on gender in a situation such as this is not, to my mind, sexist, merely reflecting how society is these days. I was discussing the potential reasons behind a massive differential in numbers based on what I assumed to be your average population member as opposed to a group of lesbian separates * v a set of 50 something men who spend too long in the pub. Then I would have suggested a potential different reason for the discrepancy.

However this didn’t stop the flow of opprobrium.

Lyds piled in with: Yes but are men more likely to exercise than women ‘these days’?? And Drew is much more likely to have a bath than me – that’s a good sample size right? Lol. Think you might have been caught out Cath o Cath! Must be all this lockdown has got you forgetting your staunch feminist ways!

My response?  To be fair I haven’t been in a gym since the 1980s and then only once cos when I checked myself out in in the mirror  my damaged no longer bends finger rather destroyed the image of coolness I was truing to project. Back then those gyms were indeed bastions of super muscly men with bulging biceps. And me and Farah. So the family could be right. I was merely surmising. But that doesn’t seem to be a concept that is understood by the family. But I have redacted that sentence.

And my response re the relaxing bath? Well if Drew is more likely than Lyds to have a relaxing bath that’s probably because he is a Man Utd supporter and needs the relaxing baths to recover from yet another rubbish display. However this sentence has also been redacted as who can argue with a sample size of two??  (Same argument re surmising still stands.)

And not one of them referenced the cute Mu quote – just too busy trying to find fault… sigh…


Happy now famalam??


Meanwhile thanks to cousin Tim who looked at the graph breakdown and wrote: Love a good graph me. Also loved the breakdown of participants by sexual orientation! Would be interesting to meet the two that describe themselves as “other”. Happy winter solstice to you all.

Tim lives in Sweden, where winter solstice is obvs a big thing. He also often regales us with tales of drunk moose.


Thanks to Ryan Hegarty from Wikimedia commons for this fab image. Not a Swedish moose (mooses??) but if I hadn’t mentioned it I doubt anyone but Tim would have realised.


And the final word goes to:         re one of the three hardest things to say


Addendum: lesbian separates?????  Sounds like a knitting group! I do of course mean lesbian separatists – kids ask your parents. 





December 2020 – Mea culpa? Nope!