Both these technologies use the sun’s energy to provide a source of sustainable power, are easy to retrofit (either as part of a sustainable refurbishment or to install in new buildings), and provide an income for the building occupiers. The
Implementing a Sustainable Water Strategy
Focussing on one particular case study (a six bedroom house in the countryside), Cath talks you through the steps that were needed to ensure that an actual sustainable water strategy was adopted for the dwelling as opposed to the tick
Plumbing for architects
One of your clients wants solar thermal and asks whether it works with a combi boiler whilst another wants “an enhanced bathing experience” and wonders if a pumped shower or an electric shower is more sustainable. A client in a
Updates to Part G of the Building Regulations
Part G of the Building Regulations is being updated in April 2010. For the first time ever the Regulations will address water efficiency with a maximum allowable amount of 125 litres of wholesome water per person per day in dwellings.
Sustainable Water
This CPD is an introduction to the main issues around sustainable water use in the UK concentrating on the environmental pressures to reduce demand and how to do so most effectively. The seminar covers the measures that building professionals can
Sustainable retrofit of historic buildings
Sustainable retrofit of domestic properties
Sustainable Drainage Systems
Providing SUDS (sustainable drainage systems) to address the problems of stormwater run off from sites is now required on an increasing number of new developments, especially since the implementation of PPS 25. SUDS provide biodiversity as well as reducing the
Solar Thermal
Solar thermal systems for hot water heating are the simplest and most cost effective way to meet both the “Merton Rule” (10% renewables on developments of more than 10 dwellings or 1000m2 commercial space) and Level 3 of the Code
Rainwater Harvesting
Harvesting rainwater will reduce potable water demand and can reduce localised flooding incidents. For this reason it is recognised as part of source control within a SUDS solution for any development and is a core part, combined with water efficiency,