Look at the image of the Combined Sewer Overflow. Can you describe what is happening? Download
#pooonyourhead – Combined Sewer Overflow

Look at the image of the Combined Sewer Overflow. Can you describe what is happening? Download
Help Clarence the Crab avoid getting poo on his head by looking at possible solutions. Download
Can you design a rain garden to help Clarence the Crab avoid getting poo on his head? Download
Can you work out from the clues in the book why Cath the crayfish has turned orange? Download
Sameera the stickleback has something important to tell Frankie the flamingo. What do you think it is? Download Download Teacher Notes
See if you can find the hidden words from ‘The mysterious case of the sinking flamingo’? Download Download teacher Notes
Frankie the flamingo thinks she is sinking! How can you tell the water level is rising? Download
Frankie the flamingo is shocked by a photo that Clarence the crab shows her. Download
Frankie the flamingo sploshes round her pool to investigate why it is filling up so quickly. Download