Be water smart while you are in your paddling pool Download
ech2o worksheet – be water smart in the summer 4

Be water smart while you are in your paddling pool Download
Find out water smart things to do after you’ve finished playing in your paddling pool. Download
The baby flamingos are diving into a bucket of water and the meerkats are queuing up to refill their water pistols. Are they being water smart or water silly? Download
The baby gorillas are chasing each other with hoses. Do you think they are being water smart or water silly? And what about the baby flamingos? Download
See if you can find somewhere in your school where you could fit a flamingo pool. You need a rainwater down pipe and a space near it where you can dig a hole to fill with the rainwater you collect.
Help Rhodri the rat tell Colin what is okay to flush down the toilet. Download
The lion and the monkey are saving water outside. How are they doing it? Download
Frankie the flamingo is having a shower. Look carefully at the picture and see if you can work out how she is saving water. Download
How is Chris the crocodile saving water? Download
Frankie needs to work out how each of her friends are saving water. Download Download Teacher Notes