As part of our Ingenious funding we can offer free ‘The mysterious case of the elephant that forgot’ workshops packs for schools. The workshop is a fun and informative way for pupils to understand what engineers do and includes such key science components as suitable materials for roads and bridges, friction and air resistance.
The workshop is designed for and has been delivered to Years 2, 3 and 4.
Each class receives:
2 x copies of the book
1 x audio visual DVD
30 x Think it! Build it! Test it! badges
PPt presentation of illustrations from the book. PPt includes multi-choice questions for the class and explanation of the practical component of the workshop (by email)
The practical component of the workshop is a balloon race. Pupils work in groups of three to produce a Frankie the flamingo, Clarence the crab or Ellie the elephant balloon that they race off against each other.
Each workshop pack includes:
12 x balloons (assorted grey, pink and orange)
12 x paper straws
12 x sets of googly eyes
12 x bag clips
40 x sheets paper (assorted pink, grey and orange)
School needs to provide sellotape and scissors
email: if you would like a pack